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Based on 862 reviews

This quickly helped with a baby’s faster release of gas post feed, before he could take 10min + to burp & sometimes didn’t at all resulting in spit ups in his basinet. After drinking the tea he now burps in less than a min & sometimes during the feed.

Definitely works

Well it definitely works. So much so ill need to be careful & limit myself to one chai in the morning. I made the mistake of having a hot chocolate at night as well one time. And my boobs were bonkas big the next day. Leaked everywhere.
So warning. Use sparingly if your supply is not low.

Lactation Tea
Laura A
The Best!

Breastfeeding Tea Co has by far the best lactation tea I’ve tried. Tastes great, my milk is flowing and I’d highly recommend their products. Cannot wait to try the Colic Chai I ordered!

Lactation Tea
Isabelle Nashat
Refreshing and helpful

I only like this tea with honey in it. Still, there is an increase 100% in my supply because of it. I have tried other teas and one thing I LOVE is the no fenugreek which makes you smell and makes your babies poop smell too. I think I might not like the hibiscus or rose, but overall pretty refreshing, and relaxing to sip on when you’re breastfeeding, pumping or just taking a break.


Took some time to adjust to the taste - not sure if it was the brewer’s yeast or the collagen component. But tastes sooo good with normal milk but lately I’ve been drinking with oat milk which is delicious as well. Also - never ever try w boiling water and a dash of milk, will taste absolutely horrendous. Only use with milk!! Trust me.

FREE Colic Chai- Limited Edition
Love it

Got it as a freebie. May not have purchased. But glad we got it. It's nice! Love the pyramid tea bags too 😏

This was a middle of the night desperation chase and I have no regrets. It turned up quickly as well!
While this hasn't cleared up the colic, it has made my baby pass gas far easier than before I started drinking.
Flavour is nice as well!

Lactation Tea

Works so well! My supply absolutely increased!

Colic Tea
Sarah Wood
Mums routine

I have one of these glorious teas during our nighttime bath routine and I really notice a difference when I skip it. Sleep is far more settled meaning we are both better humans for it. The colic teas really do help with even just a gassy/uncomfortable baby. Oh and a bonus, it tastes great (coming for a non-tea drinker). Give it a try!!



Colic Tea

I love the taste but didn't see any results with my newborn.

It tastes like a hint of coffee, and I personally don't like coffee.

FREE Colic Chai- Limited Edition
Jassie White
Loved the colic chai

I received the new colic chai free with my purchase and absolutely love the taste. I mix it with my breastfeeding tea and it’s a perfect blend, thank you 🙏

Colic Bundle - NEW
Jessica Grau
Best tasting tea too!

My little one is 5weeks old and had a hard time passing gas. I ordered the chair and normal colic/ wind tea and I take 2 a day and after the 2/3 day of taking them I noticed a big difference in my little one. She’s not needing me to help her pass gas, she’s not as fussy after feeds and at night she’s not up for hours crying at night after a feed. I highly recommend this product! I’m just about to order another batch!


Chai latte: Tastes good and can’t find this flavour elsewhere. The hot chocolate is also delicious. Not sure if it’s increased my milk.

Colic Tea

Tastes nice but I haven't found it makes much difference to collic for my little one

Gifted these and they were a hit! I was told they are very tasty. I’ll be sure to purchase for myself.

My daughter suffered fromncolic since she was 3 weeks old. The Colic Tea is absolutely amazing. In a week I noticed the difference in my daughter. The Hot Chocolate is so yummy. I actually make the iced chocolate version, and it has increased my supply so much. Thank you for such great products!

I can't recommend these lactation drinks enough ☺️

I've been buying the teas, chai latte and hot chocolate drinks since my baby was born. I'm coming up to 8 months and still going strong with my milk supply. Both my mum and nans milk dried up around 4 months so I'm stoked to still be feeding my baby and I believe a big part of having a good supply still is because of the benifits from these products. Thank you for helping me on my breastfeeding journey.

Great boost for the day

A little honey in the tea makes a great start to the day and I know I’m doing what I am to boost my supply for bub.

Delicious products and fast delivery!

Love the chai. Thank you making these . Very easy to use and taste 🥰

So good

I have purchased the breastfeeding tea (ordered twice), hot chocolate, and chai latte and all are fantastic. I actually found my supply went lower when I ran out! I like the flavour of the tea - not over powering and easy to drink, the hot chocolate and chai are good as well just don't add a huge cup of milk as the taste isn't as strong. I highly recommend.

Lactation Tea
Emma Van Acker
My daily essential

I love your lactation tea. I drink it 2 times a day and it has helped my supply so much! A true life saver.

Perfect bundle! I brought it for myself and used everything!

Did not work for me

I have had a box of tea and a bag of hot chocolate but it has not worked yet. I take 3 tea or chocolate everyday. I hope it will kick in soon.